ZHT – Canadian Business Trends

Zum Hingst Technologies is proud to be founded on an entrepreneurial spirit that values skills and creativity over gender or cultural biases. These principles are not only supportive of an inclusive workplace, but are strongly represented within the ZHT company structure.

As a female-owned, second-generation Canadian business, the all-female management of ZHT are aware that they represent a minority in the high-precision CNC manufacturing industry of Vancouver. And they acknowledge that this representation contributes to creating positive role models for current and future generations of business owners, and all individuals entering machining and manufacturing in Canada.

Although passing on a family business from generation to generation is a longstanding tradition in Canada, it has met with many challenges as the baby-boomers look to the next generation for succession. Having navigated these waters, Zum Hingst Technologies encourages families to ignore gender roles as a barrier, and to openly embrace the opportunities offered by investing in the unique skills and passion of an inclusive, family-owned and run business.

Patricia zum Hingst, having worked in the family company for decades, naturally transitioned into her role as President.  The challenges, or opportunities, she faced were not gender but were reflective of demonstrating good business management: taking on a holistic leadership role, being open to new areas of growth suited the company’s business strategy, creating and defining a clear future vision, and cultivating the opportunities offered by managing a CNC machining business in 2020 and beyond.  Within the scope of this leadership role is bringing awareness to the untapped potential of entrepreneurial spirit expressed in both young women and men entering the today’s work force.

Zum Hingst Technologies – Setting the Trend in Female Run Family Businesses

At Zum Hingst Technologies, we are still proud to offer high-precision machining services to the aerospace, defense, medical, remote sensing, construction and commercial machinery sectors – just to name a few. Our precision machine shop founders (Uwe Zum and Janice Hingst) not only pioneered CNC machining in British Columbia in 1977, but they succeeded at establishing an inclusive culture when it was not commonplace to do so. And today, we proudly carry on the tradition of equality to provide unparalleled customer service, and our signature CNC precision machining services, and products.

We are confident that our success is based on the above principles, along with the implementation of our innovation and cutting-edge technology. We do all this while not losing sight of traditional artisan values and craftsmanship attributed to Zum Hingst Technologies, operating out of our facilities in Port Coquitlam for four-decades ++. We are gratified by the continued support we receive from local industry and our peers as we navigate these changing times.  As a machine shop with a niche for prototype projects it is always rewarding to be endorsed by other industry leaders – such as R&D entrepreneurs, and to be included in projects that will contribute to technological advancement.

ZHT is truly passionate and proud of what we do, which we further explain on our new page – ZHT Passion. Also, check out our Facebook Page plus PEZ machining on Etsy AND (drum roll please), the new ZHT-Performance products and eCommerce website at www.zht-p.com.  

Read more about why we love our industry and encourage those driven by the same creativity and passion, to join us!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun” ~~~~~ Albert Einstein